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Pending Review


Hamid Molahadi 5 years ago updated by Silas Sulser 5 years ago 2

I implemented Bitlocker on my customer's computers and now I ran into an issue connecting to them remotely when restarting the computers. After I restart any of them, BitLocker prevents booting windows until I get someone to put the passcode into the computer. I am looking for an option to pass the passcode through screen connect

Pending Review

End Session on Access sessions is a problem. Strongly suggest "Remove" or "End/Remove" etc.

Rick Boatright 5 years ago 0

I'm reviving an old topic under a new heading.  

This comes up due to the bug in 6.9.2xxx + that resulted in Guests on the Access list disappearing. The workaround until the bug is fixed involves setting the accessSessionExpireSeconds in web.config to 0.  This resulted in all the ancient long-gone access accounts that were normally filtered out reappearing like the zombie apocolypse.  

Support helped with setting up a pair of session groups using GuestInfoUpdateTime > $60DAYSAGO to give us a filtered list of the current sessions, and GuestInfoUpdateTime < $60DAYSAGO to give a group of the ancient old accounts. 

I disconnected from support chat, and went in search of a way to delete those old sessions so that my staff could have just the current ones (or at least delete MOST of them...) I selected the ones I wanted to delete, and got a menu of actions in the right hand sidebar with the choices "Edit, End, Reinstall, Uninstall" 

None of those choices sounded right. 

  • Edit didn't offer a delete option. 
  • End wasn't what I wanted, They're already ended, hell, most of those machines don't even EXIST any more. 
  • Reinstall and Uninstall weren't going to help since 
    • a) the machines are off-line or no longer exist  and 
    • b) I don't want to do anything on those MACHINES, I want to remove the account.

So, I went back to support.  Michael was very polite and told me that "End deletes."  

-------   oh.  -------  

It's a horrible term on the Access page. "End" makes perfect sense on the support page, and I certainly understand that development might want consistancy in the terms used, but support sessions are VERY DIFFERENT than Access sessions.

A further issue is that in the knowledgebase, and in the documentation, no search for "delete account" or "remove account" or delete or remove access session returned any link that explained that you can delete an access session by choosing "End." 

So, I suggest as the best answer, changing the menu choice to  "End/Delete" or "End/Remove"  

If development hates that, then please pretty please create a knowledgebase page or a documentation page entitled "Deleting Access Accounts" that points to the explanation of the meaning of the options under End.  

-- Rick Boatright 

TBC Software 

Under Review

OnPrem Systems-Debug logs enhancements beyond standard windows event logs

suresh 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

whenever Web, relay and session services crash, restarts etc. we must debug the failure reasons, for on prem systems we are heavily dependent on standard window event logs, which really can't sufficient information. recommend to have dedicated log system to log system issues that would help to fix the issue and avoid failures in further 

Under Review

Time frame based filter for alerts and plugins, i.e. alert during business hours or after hours

jessecourchaine 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

Is it possible to create a filter that works during certain hours, e.g. the device down plugin uses a filter but I would like it to not fire during off hours 10PM-6AM. Thanks!

Pending Review

screen connect setting to avoid user save password on the browser

sriwilis 5 years ago 0

Disable the possibility the thecs save the credentials 

Pending Review

Environment variables from the OS

JasGot 5 years ago 0

I would like the ability to access and use OS environment variables. Also OS commands; for example to now the current system time and date.


I would like a way to background task the audit log or kill current requests from the audit log.

Justin R 5 years ago updated by anonymous 4 years ago 3

Please allow me to kill requests from the audit log or please provide a way to offload this from the main process so my server doesn't grind to a halt when we accidentally search for a full year instead of just today. :)

Pending Review

Billing Console - Allow for easy removal or temporary de-activation of credit card

Andrew Grant 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

The billing console doesn't allow you to remove or de-activate a credit card. This should be possible in the scenario where you don't have permission to use that card or where you aren't going to renew but you want to use the remainder of your subscription. Everything else with this system is lovely except the billing which has caused me considerable stress.

Background: My supply chain rules say that I need to have any purchases approved. Un-authorised use of a credit card will create an audit query. I need a mechanism to avoid a card being charged where authorisation hasn't happened yet.

Pending Review

Ability to suppress update warning

David Geddes 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Whenever a new agent is released, there's an update warning that pops up in the web console and it shows the old version number highlighted in red.

That level of warning would be helpful in the case of an urgent security fix, but it generally seems like overkill.  Plus, sometimes there are reasons to intentionally hold back an update, and I don't want people feeling compelled to update the agent without thinking.

I'd like the ability to suppress that warning, at least for some users.