Your comments

Hi Albert,

  This may not be what you're looking for but, I do the following today. You could maybe customize your greeting.


Hello {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserName}, {Connection.ParticipantName} has connected.

Image 1151

(Event.EventType = 'Connected' OR Event.EventType = 'SwitchedLogonSession') AND Connection.ProcessType = 'HOST' AND Session.GuestConnectedCount = 1

Image 1153

A trigger could work for this. 

I have an auto reply, but you could setup an email to be sent under the THEN condition. 

Event.EventType = 'SentMessage' AND Connection.ProcessType = 'Guest' AND  Session.HostConnectedCount = 0

Image 1149

Image 1148

I just had two extensions magically re-enable themselves on our instance but no audit logs to see who did it. Would be nice to have in a system as sensitive as control. 

The following should help. -

You may just need to change the batch that gets executed which can call one of the following commands. 

logoff or shutdown -l

There’s a clipboard bug that’s fixed in 22.9. It will cause screenconnect client to crash.

Please... (THIS)  No more sending the session to another technician. 

For now, the only way to do this is with the RMM+ plugin in control. 

The screenconnect plugin is built by the Automate Team, here's that enhancement request. Help us annoy them.

Agree, it would be nice if both the screenshot and video recording only took effect on the monitor you are viewing. Right now, viewing the video is not practical when our clients have 4 to 5 HD monitors visible at once.

Just to clarify this part. (personal opinion)

Essentially giving users rights to run scripts on behalf of other users that maybe logged into the system. --> This part is expected since the computer is unlocked but having the ability to run scripts with the screen locked is not preferred. 

Meaning everyone with TransferFilesInSession permission essentially has backstage access.