Pending Review

clear command history

jeffrey robinson 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 5

clear command history in connectwise control on multiple machines. in the case of running commands with passwords, they stay in the history currently and we have to delete the commands in each machine one at a time. would be better if we could select multiple machines and click clear command history, or similar.

There's an extension for deleting ALL the command history: "User Delete Recent Access Command Events"

It won't work for commands executed automatically by triggers you've set up, but for user-inputted commands it'll delete everything

I agree though, it'd be nice to be able to select which machines to delete the command history for

where is that extension found? 



You can find that extension at Admin > Extensions > Browse Extension Marketplace > Search 'User Delete Recent Access Command Events' > Install

Rikesh, you should still keep this feature request open, since like jeffrey.robinson I would like a way to select which machines to delete command history from. The extension deletes EVERYTHING, it doesn't give us any choice.