Your comments

I'm with @NeighborGeek here, I could have sworn that the initial sell of this integration was so that technicians could seamlessly initiate sessions from the ticketing system and import the session data, including a recording of the session, rather than having to live in two systems and manually exporting audit log data for an overview of the technician's session.

For the amount of time this has been bumped, this is a pretty disappointing release. Are there plans to continue building this integration to have more value added?

Hi Caitlin, any update from Freshservice support's end? Really want to implement this in my instance, looks like others do too.

Hi Caitlin - any update from Freshservice on an ETA / current state of this request?

Hi Caitlin, any word from Freshservice on getting the extension updated in their marketplace?

Hi Caitlin -- any update from Freshworks on getting the integration app back on the marketplace?