Your comments

I'm very surprised to find that there (still 3 years later) isn't even a measure of control over removal of these credentials.  There should be an option to clear credentials on disconnect as well as a setting to clear all credentials globally after a certain period of time.

Use cases:  

  • Senior engineers working on a system during multiple sessions throughout a day.  These credentials should persist  between sessions and be made available as defined by their senior engineer role.  The global setting, perhaps 4 hours, would then clear any credentials that are still stored/available.
  • Level 1 engineers working on email/printing issues while a user is at lunch.  These credentials should be cleared upon disconnect as defined by level 1 engineer's role.

I understand that the engineer can prompt for credentials again and then store blank credentials before disconnecting.  However, that is a grossly inadequate method of handling a potential security hole.