Your comments

Last week I spoke with ConnectWise and they told me a few interesting things:

  • The release dated July was actually released in the fall. They told me they back-dated it so people who were not under contract could still get it. 
  • There is a release in the works and it should be out 2021 Q1 (noted that the quarter ends in two weeks).
  • They have a new release plan in which they intend to do a release for Linux quarterly. 

I renewed our license for another year. Hopefully, they will update and release as intended. 

I have been running ScreenConnect for over five-years on Linux and we manage a Windows install for a client. The Linux version was lighter and worked great until about 12-18 months ago. So disappointing. 

I rebuilt our server thinking it was because we had it around for a long time. Turns out, it was just being neglected by ConnectWise's development team. 

ScreenConnect used to be the best product on the market. I guess it will soon be time to look elsewhere. There are a ton of remote support tools now. I feel for those locked into Automate and their other products.