Your comments

Where does this stand CW?  A simply RIGHT CLICK SYSTEM TRAY DISABLE/ENABLE is required for privacy and security -- period.  Competitors have it.  You don't.  Pls fix.

As an optional tangent of this, as prior stated, you can have an admin app.config or wherever setting that allows us the admin per instance or per group (better if possible) to decide to allow this right click disable/enable to exist depending on our customer type/contract with them/desired privacy vs always-persistent tech support.

As prior also mentioned, the literal programmatic solution is a DISABLE = stop the CW service command and ENABLE = start the CW service command.  That is literally 2 lines of code, whether dos command, powershell variant command, similar that triggers with a new menu item(s) you add to the right click menu of the LOCAL ON THE GUEST CLIENT system tray icon.

I may be wrong, but I believe your company is now the ONLY ONE that does not have this either as a right click system tray option or similar in the guest/customer side when they open up a remote control window or a admin side equivalent of it (not ideal as this should be GUEST/CLIENT SIDE, i.e. ON THE COMPUTER WHERE YOUR APP IS INSTALLED. all may also call this "HOST" if memory serves, but it should be clear what we're talking about here or ask for clarity if not).


Could we have an update on this pls?  This is from 6 yrs ago.  In the IN-APP HELP extension did not resolve.

Pls look  at the screenshot shown from the older Kirsten post from 6 yrs ago.  THAT IS THE ONLY ISSUE.  This has nothing to do with in-app help feedback; this has nothing to do with feedback survey.

THIS ONLY HAS TO DO WITH THE SCREENSHOT SHOWN.  This is programmed on your website when logged in.  It is not appropriate as our end users can see it and it also shows CONNECTWISE or CW brand/name.

We'd like it gone entirely or at least your name removed from it.

Rish (CW PM) or other CW rep mtring this request, where are we on this?  Also, we need the STORE CREDENTIALS button to function independently on Macs and be usable with a top floating SEND concept like the Windows client has.  This is 101 part of CW's implementation already as it should be.

Is there a reason this is not implemented for Macs?  Can DEV review pls since this post was 2 yrs ago.

Point by Point Items to implement:

1.) Just like with Win CTRL+ALT+DEL concept, something Mac equivalent (even if all it does is wake up Mac/show login field)

2.) Once Logged in, just like with Win having STORE CREDS (essentials menu) button actually working

3.) Whether Logged in or not or Locked, just like with Win, the SEND CREDS (essentials menu) button actually working

4.) When Logged out / Locked, just like with Win, a floating SEND CREDS top hover button



I still see the Give Feedback present.  Is there still not a method to disable it, especially for private our-customer portals/instances we have?  It is not appropriate for our end users to see this and we don't get the feedback anyway.  Maybe there is a plugin or update to hide/remove/or at least get the feedback at this time?

Yah, I like to just repeat other people's good ideas to look smarter.  :)   Hopefully, we can nudge DEV to add this.  It is odd to me this kind or request requires a request to ask for it.  One would think it would naturally be part of the toolbox already.

This should have been a programmed setting by now as this request is very old.  Other competitors have it and many end users, for privacy (even if they approved unattended access) would like the option to easily right click the system tray or similar to enable/disable the app when needed.

This takes two seconds to program such a menu item that essentially runs a batch or script command built-into Windows to disable / enable the associated screenconnect service (or similar tactic, but service disable/enable is perhaps quickest).

If desired as an extra option, it could and should be made a setting in the backend admin settings to enable or disable the ability for an end user system to have this option available to be used ....just like some other settings are similarly allowed/disallowed to be utilized ....either account wise entirely or even granularly by filter/group like many other settings.

Either way, bare min we need to get the enable/disable system tray option for security/privacy reasons if for no other one.


I agree.  Many remote support tools that offer anything to do with files or a toolbox allow simply a download and not only a forced run.  One can of course let it run but cancel and go grab the file in the My Doc -> custom named CW folder they make -> TEMP folder and MOVE it outside that folder so it safely will stay when the session is close (otherwise it will get deleted) ....but the best option is simply add a 3rd option in the right click of a toolbox file and call it DOWNLOAD and either force it to the normal My Doc -> custom named CW folder they make -> FILES folder or a new one maybe DOWNLOADS ....or even allow any folder ...either is fine as long as a true download option is added instead of having to trick it with a .zip file or go grab the already run file quickly trick.

Glad to hear someone else at least is seeing it and not just us.  Maybe more will post.  Like you b/c it is complex in some aspects to describe and also pinpoint when it happens or what variables cause it -- We have reported many times months/year.

And also we recall right away when it first occurred and DEV / tech support acknowledged it, similar "will fix next build" or the "we have fixed already this build" ...but then this pattern kept looping and it was not resolved or not mentioned in any longer in change logs.

We really need DEV to test this on their end and disclose clearly what they know or even theorize is causing it for some (e.g. IP Change or CW nightly AntiVirus scanner running amuck or Amazon AWS file storage/container bug or de-linking of files to the account due to glitchy coding or folder/file names being over a certain file size or folder/file name length itself being too long or a combination of other things or ancient aliens).

Yes, this really needs to be disabled (the GIVE FEEDBACK shown in the picture when logged into the web host).  Especially if we have instances that are for our customers, since we don't even get this feedback ourselves, it should be able to be disabled.  Pls provide a variable to disable it.

BTW, the IN-APP HELP extension does not affect this shown-in-pic GIVE FEEDBACK as that still persists with or without the extension even today in checking.
