Your comments

Hi Everyone,

If Someone also having Resolution Issue with ScreenConnect adn without Monitor, please try this below it will work.

  1. Open regedit, navigating to
  2. Select key starting with SIMULATED, then child key 00
  3. Change the decimal value of to the desired horizontal resolution (i.e 1920)
  4. Change the value to the desired vertical resolution (i.e. 1080)
  5. Change the value Stride (for 1920x1080 this is 7680: ((1920 * 32 + 7) / 8))
  6. Select the child key of 00, also named 00, and change to the same horizontal resolution value above
  7. Change the value of to the same vertical resolution above
  8. Restart the PC after saving the registry

It will change resolution from 800X600 to 1920x1080 or your can put the resolution as per your need.
