Your comments

I support this feature.    I have enabled the option to end a session on closing the last host - yet every day we end up with multiple sessions still working.

ie. This morning I came in to see 20+ sessions still listed from yesterday - some of them the clients had reconnected when they came into work this morning.   This is a huge potential privacy concern if they found out we were still connected.

We tried the force end on last host disconnect,  but this proved to be an annoyance as there were legit times you would disconnect (handing off to someone else, want to close and reconnect due to bad connection, etc).

What I want is to be able to automatically end sessions where no 'host' has been connected for > 2 hours  or where no one is connected (client or host) for > 30 minutes.

Hi Josh,

Thanks - I hadn't thought of doing that (And I should have, as I use that for other programs, so know it exists).

But, I still think it would be good if Screen Connect did this out of the box (or at least had a easy preference to do this) so I could apply it for all my staff in one go - rather than having to set it up individually.

With Apple's Remote Desktop - It's set to command + Q, but as soon as you are controlling a remote computer - it's blanked out all the keyboard shortcuts - so they get sent to the remote computer.

