Your comments

There's an extension for deleting ALL the command history: "User Delete Recent Access Command Events"

It won't work for commands executed automatically by triggers you've set up, but for user-inputted commands it'll delete everything

I agree though, it'd be nice to be able to select which machines to delete the command history for

Yes, please create a separate "SendMessage" permission distinct from the JoinSession permission!

My current workaround is to change the value of the resource string for “Login” here to just blank on the Appearances page. The button is still there, sure, but it looks like there isn’t.

Anyone else feel a need for exporting logs of login attempts, so they can be stored/analysed outside the web application?

Yes, file transfer from an Android device to a PC is a feature I'd very much like to use.

It’d be nice if we can forward mics too. That way I can use Teams or Zoom on the remote computer.

I've confirmed that this feature has indeed been added in the newest version of the Advanced Configuration Editor extension. Thanks!