Your comments

Technically you can do this now, I wish they would add it to the GUI but to fulfill your need in the short term as I had to do you can read how to achieve it here. (On prem only sadly)

Working fine here on several 2016 servers. 2016 is essentially the same code base as windows 10 anniversary update so there shouldn't really be anything to change to support it.

I think the Manage Credentials feature may be exactly what you are looking for.

Sorry, I don't feel this is necessary. We sometimes send prebuilt installers to clients to install themselves and the simplicity of it is great, adding a popup at the end asking questions an end user would not understand would just lead to confusion and more work. We already have the ability to set custom properties at the time the installers is built. We also can bulk edit custom properties across agents in the portal.

It's my understanding that passportal is responsible for their integration with screeconnect. I would prefer SC devs focus on SC features that are still missing than 3rd party integrations when there is open extension and API extensibility out there already that folks like ITGlue could use to add functionality to their product.

I also asked and many others expressed need for this as well in this older thread, at the time I was told this was added to feature enhancement request so there should have already been a feature request for this from over a year ago.

I don't mind if this comes via extension but we absolutely need it. I can't allow rdp any longer due to lack of audit ability and we don't always want/have access to the console session of a server.

Anyways +1 please

Auto update of agents is already a feature that you simply need to turn on. Instructions noted here