Your comments

Build: 24.1.5

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Extension API

New extension interface IClientScriptCustomContextProvider is not working

Build: 24.1.4

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Access Management

Allow auto-elevation rules to run even when credential provider is not shown in UAC

Feature Authentication, Extension API

Create method for extensions to add authorization information to users

Bug Access Management, Event Triggers

Auto-elevation triggers no longer work

Bug Admin Page, Extension, UIUX

Extension tabs on the Administration page do not appear until page refresh

Bug Extension, Reporting

Reporting extensions broken by core reporting changes

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Hover over tooltips are not showing for delete buttons in session details

Bug Java Client, Linux

Blank screen when connected to certain Linux guests

Build: 24.1.3

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Access Management

Elevate as logged in user does not work on older Windows Server guests

Bug Access Management

New AuthenticationPackage installer component condition name is misspelled

Bug Admin Page

Error dialog "Unknown error" pops up frequently when clicking around administration tabs

Bug Guest Page

Guest page doesn't display or function correctly in Internet Explorer

Bug Host Page, Session Groups

Host page incorrectly navigates when selected session drops out of current session group

Bug Reporting

Make report item serialization backwards compatible for Automate integration

Build: 24.1.1

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client, Security

Prevent clipboard items from being added to Windows Clipboard history

Feature .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client

Copy and paste image files into Windows host client with CTRL+C and CTRL+V

Feature .NET Client, Host Client

Warning when the "Send Clipboard Keystrokes" host client command exceeds a specified character limit

Feature Access Management

Elevate as logged-in user

Task .NET Client, Security

Ensure that the Windows host client fully restricts protected directories

Task Access Management

Elevate Windows apps as user

Task Access Management

Subgroups now selectable in Access Management settings

Task Database

Prevent changes to database maintenance, mail settings, and audit level from disconnecting sessions

Task Guest Page, UIUX

New 2024 background image for the Guest page

Task Installer, On-prem

Update to on-premises EULA

Task Installer, On-prem, Security

Propagate machine TEMP variables to on-prem installer custom actions

Task Licensing, Web Server Service

Updated backend security restrictions for triggers

Task Login Page, UIUX

Make login screen more responsive in short height window

Task Performance

Relay performance improvements and optimizations

Task Session Manager Service

Remove deprecated LegacyEncryptionKey from product

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client

Switching out of one Logon session into another causes 'Stopped' notification banner on the original logon session's desktop

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Chat box and Send button are not aligned with the chat history panel

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Launching the host client repeatedly can reduce the zoom level

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Unable to see some applications or windows on Windows Core Server SAC

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client

Unable to send Windows Key if the Guest machine has caps lock on

Bug .NET Client

Guest notification banner and other thread runner items can get in an inconsistent state

Bug .NET Client, Backstage, Guest Client

Right-clicking within the Backstage file manager can cause the file manager to crash

Bug .NET Client, Host Client, UIUX

Remove trailing ellipsis from File Transfer menu items

Bug Access Management

Access Management: Streamline the Windows lock screen for a temporary administrative logon account

Bug Access Management

Administrative logon provider can lose focus/selection in specific scenarios

Bug Access Management

Access Management: Missing encountered logon screen event can prevent an administrative logon from being seen

Bug Action Center, Performance

Limit the number of items in Action Center to 50

Bug Admin Page, Customization, UIUX

Wrong message is shown if user does not select any day for their maintenance plan schedule

Bug Authentication, OAuth2

Correct issues with validation and retrieving user information for ConnectWise SSO

Bug Guest Client, Relay Service

Guest disconnects and reconnects when changing screen quality

Bug Guest Client, Linux

Access agent installer throws an error when detecting displays on certain Linux machines with multiple screens

Bug Helper, Host Client

Google search results aren't displayed in Helper tab

Bug Host Client

Stored credential banner incorrectly displays when a user without Manage Credentials permission is connected

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Run Tool popup menu show incorrect styling

Bug Reporting

TimeDate field in Report Manager is returning 01-01-0001 for all security events

Bug Session Manager Service

Instances can enter a state where clients are unable to connect to sessions

Build: 23.9.10

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Access Management, Action Center, Host Client, Performance, Session Manager Service, UIUX

Access Management: Unacknowledged events aren't cleared when someone addresses an event from the host client

Feature Installer, Licensing, On-prem

Allow for on-premises server upgrade regardless of license status

Bug Action Center, Host Page, UIUX

Clicking on action center icon does not work if data hasn't yet loaded

Bug Action Center, Performance

Limit the number of items in Action Center

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Adding /Join to the end of a guest URL on Host page no longer launches sessions

Build: 23.9.7

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Action Center, Host Page, UIUX

Move the Action Center icon to the top of tray on the navigation bar

Task Authentication

Compress web authentication cookie to ensure data does not exceed the maximum size set by the browser

Task Java Client, Linux, macOS, Performance, Security

Patch Java clients with additional fixes to WebP compression

Bug Access Management, Host Page, UIUX

Access Management tab is visible for meeting and support sessions

Bug Admin Page, Reporting, UIUX

Unable to scroll in multiselect form fields

Bug Host Page, Performance, UIUX

When the session display limit is exceeded, clicking a session will snap to the top of the list

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Clicking an item in the Host page "More" menu can deselect the currently-selected details tab

Build: 23.9.6

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Admin Page, UIUX

Database maintenance plan can be saved with invalid time format

Build: 23.9.5

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Admin Page, UIUX

UI Improvements to database maintenance plan scheduling

Bug Admin Page, Customization, UIUX

Transform existing instances to new database maintenance schedule format

Bug Admin Page, Customization, UIUX

Make default database maintenance time 2AM local time

Bug Admin Page, UIUX

User encounters "Cannot access a disposed object" error when saving instance-restarting changes on the Administration page

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Extra space after idle time in session list

Build: 23.9.1

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Activity Tracing, Authentication

Add more tracing to external provider login callback

Bug .NET Client, Host Client, Toolbox, UIUX

Opening the personal toolbox folder doesn't launch the correct directory on certain machines

Bug Access Management, UIUX

Unable to insert line breaks or new lines in the Custom Scope field for Access Management settings in Firefox

Bug Admin Page, UIUX

User encounters "Cannot access a disposed object" error when saving instance-restarting changes on the Administration page

Bug Host Page, UIUX

User is not able to see sessions on Host page using iOS app, macOS Safari, and Ubuntu

Bug Installer, macOS

Prevent client upgrades on unsupported macOS versions

Bug On-prem, UIUX

"Internal error" message appears for on-premises users after completing setup wizard