
Allow email configuration for the Guest Session Starter

Allen Crist 6 years ago updated by Warwagon 2 years ago 10

Currently I get emails all the time like this: "[SC] Your guest to session 'TAM-VM' has connected (EOM)"

I am told that it's from the guest session starter ext.

I really like that ext and don't want to disable. Can you please add an option in the ext to be able to control if it sends out emails or not?




You can delete the trigger 'Notify when guest connects to unconnected support or meeting session' to eliminate these emails.

Considering for Future Release

Any progress on this? It's a nightmare.



You can delete the trigger 'Notify when guest connects to unconnected support or meeting session' to eliminate these emails.

For guest session starter there are disable or uninstall. No edit settings. Where are you talking about changing that?


Hi Allen, 

You can delete the trigger that creates the notification email on the Trigger tab of the Admin page. This is not housed in the extension settings. 



The trigger mentioned does not exist in my instance, yet the message continues to appear. I wonder if there is any other way to turn it off.

Hi Carlos,

Please contact our Support team for further investigation.

I did have that filter. I deleted it but i'm still getting those emails.